Saturday, December 24, 2011

Reminder: Gay Shame Meeting @ Sat Dec 24 5:30pm - 7pm (Queer Things)

Gay Shame Meeting

GAY SHAME is a Virus in the System. We are committed to a queer extravaganza that brings direct action to astounding levels of theatricality. We will not be satisfied with a commercialized gay identity that denies the intrinsic links between queer struggle and challenging power. We seek nothing less than a new queer activism that foregrounds race, class, gender and sexuality, to counter the self-serving
"values" of gay consumerism and the increasingly hypocritical left. We are dedicated to fighting the rabid assimilationist monster with a devastating mobilization of queer brilliance. GAY SHAME is a celebration of resistance: all are welcome.

Gay Shame was meeting Saturdays at Modern Times on Valencia, but the store has moved to 24th Street but info about new location for Gay Shame meetings isn't up yet. So check

Sat Dec 24 5:30pm – 7pm Pacific Time
Queer Things
Larry Bob Roberts - creator

Invitation from Google Calendar

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